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Gregory Steven Edwards

1112 Koberlin St.
76903 San Angelo
United States


category: Painting
Style: Abstract

Bio / Resumee / Statement:
Biography of my anticipatory socialization
These are my notes this July, Friday the 13th, 2007: I was born July 26, 1957 in San Angelo, Texas. Moving little from the West Texas area, I was puzzled at how others interacted while I had such a hard time interacting. I soon reacted with a stance that teachers were to be seen and not heard. I remember the overwhelm of the collective sounds in the classroom giving me little to ground myself with as my development innovated and deviated. I did not envision any sense out of what I interpreted as a maladjusted adult world. I was to not conform so as to ensure that I would not become in any way like the adults I had encountered in my generalization. I attempted to practice not being present in the classroom settings. This may have largely contributed to my distancing mentally and emotionally. Attention withdrawal was my shield of least resistance. Faking attention in the social developmental environments required sudden ways to fade or shift attention from myself. I would say then that I must have started to become driven into becoming undefinable. My hope in sharing this is that I like to think that this perceived stumbling block predisposition is now my shining stepping stone. This personality insight is one that I like to recognize as developing through the arts. The value of the arts are therefore priceless to me. I wish to thank everyone who has been patient with me. I come from the depths of undiagnosed ADD and ten years in prisons and mental health facilities. After I graduated from high school my ability to socialize was somewhat boosted yet altered and shaped as I entered into a world of deviance. Not knowing the truth of my neuro-biological chemical predisposition was probably the largest impediment I endured. With my social development skewed by innovation and adaptation, I was very self conscious and did not enjoy the "lime light" largely falling short many goals. Even when I did things well I found things hard to enjoy; my 'comfort zone' was not in with the in group. I would do things different like choosing a "road less traveled." I had kept such a low profile through out my early developmental years that I had no behavioral indication of the things to come. As I became aware of some "cures" my behaviors crossed the line and I was imprisoned at the age of 19. At about 23 years of age I sought mental health alternatives only to be given an ineffective diagnosis that was very difficult to shake off. The mental health "cures" did not relieve any core symptoms. I tried continuously to seek new medications but did not know of any solution other than ones associated with criminal thinking and thus behaviors. As I found ways to innovate in order to READ for example, I started gaining insights. Many were gained through tremendous efforts practicing meditation, or continued withdrawal from a perceived maladjusted world with emotions time after time haunting me as if the solution was most likely to be found in altering my approach to life. This is somewhat of an explanation to my predisposition and initial first half of my life. My observations in society started in elementary school. My first question was to understand how many if not all felt like I did. At the beginning of the forth grade, I took special notice looking into the faces of the children of the first grade. I noted the smiling faces of the collective unsuspecting students. I made special plans to determine the survival of the smile qualities the following year. I was to not forget. A year later I was still anticipating the comparison and contrast of the potential changes I highly suspected would occur. Then the time came a year later and I did take notice and I did notice that the smiles were largely absent. Real or imagined, I must have been at least partially correct in my observation. If that then I was among many who endured as I did. That gave me the courage to continue as a good person, as I am still today. Let us create art to usher in a new beginning consciously set up better in a brand new land, an artwanted land, to create visual poetry, to say what we always new, we had only forgotten, we had only been asleep. In this mode we can together give voice to that which we have always known, yet found no linear way to communicate or to connect across every division with a risen position conducive to "finding who is seeking." Part 2

Artist Statement: I am happy to present what I find meaningful in our networking community. Within shadow white, a rainbow the old shades refracted as new day true way, known as reflected to show us! ...still in the "eye of the beholder" end hidden~ID-en~isms as shoulder boulders grow older and then letting go roll gaining not nor any older yessing the pain leads to the window holder going with the KEY to UNGRASP the shoulder boulder. I want many specks in my folder before I gain not and grow colder! A hand over letter temporals to ask knowledge flowing to show thing knowing, seemingly slow in becoming and see sight and so as your own light becoming!!! Open two freed and one two times more, like a name one thing breeds. Let us rise above those of wish want and why ways with needs sown already cured clearly secured betabet setter of letters risen in red truth full within lines ever sound in spaces between utterances untaught unbought ungrabed thus freely ever-nested in every path fulfillment graouned beyond every thinking ray ever-about in omni-why-ways only disenchanted in the end. I see like last with no needs in traditional dictates like hollow point leads already led justice as just victors survive beyond bi-directional wording fields...ever all about, and undefined is constant of mode, an art, and mostly intension: As important toward the enrichment of interpersonal self-efficacy. ...sane as it ever was, laugh a different kind of kind but still lifted and eral mankind. SEEKING MEANING WTHIN the ambiguous world of art visuals, as we relate to archetypal maps of psyche. FOR ME, a path to remembrance, the things implanted in every 'I Am' Inclusive at the dawn of time, the first flow to eb. Muse for me in creating art or writing in spontaneous modes, I find my mind baffled into back stage silence setting many left hands free to channel subconscious eggs in SUPER Rollover remittance. I try hard to dig deep and present shamelessly what I would not now choose to hold back, in any way! To loose face in my art style would be to navigate into fear already known to have no reality extraneous to our imaginative creating. In Earth Land, to delight many through a projective visual gateway portals constructed with an ever rising "ing" like rings on rungs singing, like notes with winded words thundering form from the depths unique to each and thus tangible to all like when you realize each has within them their own riddle to reach. Using nature modes flowing throughout all media. I instead strive to live life in word seers voices without an "s" into the projective levels of context and rents every veil of forgetfulness...one bite at a time! Such is found in dreaming meaning as an ever higher resource ever filling as overflowing with contents incubated seer keys freeing gifts that we could not not have ever waiting: Now is the time to awaken in a world without end, so be so be...now I think I can see why there is so many in We. Through poetry and visuals I am freer and more WE-er! Could I ever wish for more as a mode toward meaning in the setting free of natures voice ever dreaming through a single hand dreaming more than my me alone? With cubic words resurrected, I speak THUNDERING FRUITIONS from the Key Resurrection Tower ABOVE the Dividing Station! I am either everywhere or now here. The ambiguous world of visual contemporary art beckons us all to make better sense out of our experiences and encourages us to come to present time; Every there and then mentality will fall short! Art is my touchstone and sign post giving way to growth and hope when Sharing truths of self. I believe that our livelihood and longevity may depend on it.

Thank you, Greg .

Art is the illusion to transcend illusion

Generally I have just internet exposure.

Merry Christmas
Mixing technique
3256 x 4070 cm
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