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portfolio Aquarell/water colour/Акварель - Anja Baier     

Agave III
category: Painting
technique: Water Colour
Style: Representational
size: 45×35 cm

category: Painting
technique: Oilpainting
Style: Representational
size: 35×45 cm

category: Painting
technique: Water Colour
Style: Representational
size: 35×40 cm

Marabu I/Marabou Stork I/марабу I
category: Painting
technique: Water Colour
Style: Representational
size: 60×85 cm

Marabu II/Marabou Stork II/марабу II
category: Painting
technique: Water Colour
Style: Representational
size: 70×95 cm

Maria, Performance 4 Seasons in the Window
category: Painting
technique: Water Colour
Style: Representational
size: 40×30 cm

Maria, Performance Hang Around 01
category: Painting
technique: Water Colour
Style: Representational
size: 32×24 cm

Maria, Performance Hang Around 02
category: Painting
technique: Water Colour
Style: Representational
size: 32×24 cm

Maria, Performance Hang Around 03
category: Painting
technique: Water Colour
Style: Representational
size: 32×24 cm

Maria, Performance Hang Around 04
category: Painting
technique: Water Colour
Style: Representational
size: 32×24 cm

Michiyasu, Performance 4 Seasons in the Window
category: Painting
technique: Water Colour
Style: Representational
size: 40×30 cm

Waldrapp/лесной ибис/Northern Bald Ibis
category: Painting
technique: Water Colour
Style: Representational
size: 60×85 cm