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Die brasilianische Performancekünstlerin und Tänzerin Maria De Faria in der Solo-Tanzperformance "Hang Around" Anfangsszene, August 2013 in Berlin-Kreuzberg, Kleiner Salon. Bleistift und Aquarell auf Bütten. Brasilian dancer and performer Maria de Faria in the solo-performance "Hang Around", first scene. Berlin, august 2013. Pencil and watercolour on paper
Anja Baier
Maria, Performance Hang Around 01
portfolio: Aquarell/water colour/Акварель

category: Painting
technique: Water Colour
Style: Representational
24 x 32 cm
12,6 x 9,4 in
year of production: 2013
signature: signed on back

not for sale

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